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Getting Your Home Ready To Sell – August 2024

Posted by Jill Mangum on September 13, 2024
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Selling your home can be a big step, and preparation is key to ensuring a smooth process and maximizing your home’s value. Here are the top five things you should do to get ready:

  1. Declutter and Depersonalize
    Buyers want to envision themselves in your home, which can be tough if the space is filled with your personal belongings. Start by decluttering—pack away knick-knacks, extra furniture, and personal items like family photos. Streamlining your space makes it look bigger and helps potential buyers see its full potential.

Decluttering also applies to storage spaces like closets and garages, which buyers will likely inspect. Clear them out as much as possible to showcase storage capacity and functionality.

  1. Tackle Repairs and Maintenance
    Before listing your home, address any outstanding maintenance issues. Fix leaky faucets, repair broken tiles, and patch holes in the walls. You don’t want buyers to view your home as a fixer-upper unless that’s how you’re marketing it. Small repairs show the home has been well-maintained, which can prevent any red flags during the inspection phase.

Consider having a pre-listing inspection to identify issues before buyers do. This gives you the opportunity to make repairs on your own timeline rather than under the pressure of closing deadlines.

  1. Deep Clean the Entire Home
    A clean home gives off a great first impression, making it look well-cared for and inviting. Go beyond regular cleaning and do a deep clean. Focus on overlooked areas like baseboards, ceiling fans, windows, and grout. Consider hiring professional cleaners to ensure your home is spotless and appealing to even the most detail-oriented buyers.

This step is especially crucial if you have pets, as you want to eliminate odors or fur that might turn off potential buyers who may have allergies or preferences for a pet-free home.

  1. Boost Curb Appeal
    First impressions matter, and the exterior of your home is the first thing buyers see. Simple tasks like mowing the lawn, planting fresh flowers, trimming bushes, and cleaning your front porch can make a significant difference. You may also want to repaint your front door, replace outdated hardware, or power wash the siding to give your home a fresh, welcoming look.

If you have more time and budget, consider updating your landscaping or adding outdoor lighting for evening showings.

  1. Stage Your Home
    Staging your home helps potential buyers visualize how they could use the space. Rearrange furniture to highlight each room’s functionality, create flow, and make the space appear larger. If your current furniture is too worn or oversized for the space, renting furniture may be an option worth exploring.

You don’t need to stage the entire home—focus on key rooms like the living room, kitchen, and master bedroom. A well-staged home can increase offers and even speed up the sale process.

Bonus Tip: Hire a Great Agent
An experienced real estate agent can guide you through each of these steps, provide market insights, and help price your home competitively. They’ll also handle showings, negotiations, and marketing, making the process less stressful for you.

By taking the time to declutter, make necessary repairs, clean thoroughly, boost curb appeal, and stage your home, you’ll increase your chances of a quick, successful sale at the best possible price!

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